Proloquo2go: A Brief Overview for Music Therapists

Communication is vital to living in this world. We rely on each other when there are things we can’t do on our own. For those who cannot vocalize their needs or have delays in speaking – this can be frustrating not only for them but also for their caregivers and loved ones. 

Enter Proloquo2go – Proloquo2go is an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative communication) app created to assist teachers, therapists, and caregivers to help those who cannot vocalize their needs. The format consists of icons on a grid that allow the user to set up certain “words” or “phrases” that they can touch to help “voice” what they want. As music therapists, we can use this platform to provide an opportunity for clients to express their needs and wants such as preferred songs or instruments they enjoy. It can also be used to enrich a session by providing words/phrases/pictures that may be difficult for the client to express otherwise. Giving them a voice to communicate and make choices can be motivating for them in sessions and to generalize this skill outside of music.

Image courtesy of Assistive Ware 

It is important to remember that while apps like these can be very helpful in assisting with verbal communication – they are not a replacement for helping to learn body language, social cues, and other forms of non-verbal communication. However, by providing an opportunity to communicate needs and meet the person where they’re at verbally we can create an environment ripe for growth, development, and communication. In music therapy sessions, we can use these as intraverbals (call and response) or requests for songs they would like to hear. There is never a bad opportunity to encourage communication. 

According to the website Proloquo2go is $249.99 on the US Apple store (currently unavailable on android). However there is a discount for schools if 20 or more copies are purchased. For more information visit: If purchasing Proloquo2go is not an option due to financial reasons or perhaps the parents or school do not want to pay for it, there are much lower costing alternative options such as PECs boards (Picture exchange communication system). 

Here is an example!:

These resources are relatively easy to put together and just as customizable as Proloquo2go although you will not get a voice reading the words if it is a physical copy rather than a digital one.


Proloquo2Go – AAC app with symbols

Eric Amparo, Music Therapy Intern